Each Gifford Internet dial-up account is provided with up to three email
addresses, for the basic price. (If you require more addresses, please
contact admin@gifford.co.uk).
These addresses can be configured for seperate mailboxes, or aliases
for a single mailbox.
When configured for separate mailboxes, each mailbox will have a unique
username and password combination. This requires the use of email software
on your computer, which is capable of handling multiple email addresses,
such as Outlook Express or Pegasus Mail. (Pegasus Mail can be downloaded
from the Tucows Web site).
When your email addresses are configured as aliases,
all your mail will be held in a single mailbox. Only having one mailbox
to handle, simplifies the configuration for the email software on your
computer, but allows you to give others a business or personal address
as appropriate.
If you chose to have separate mailboxes, these will be configured as
- The username for a mailbox will be the same as the username for
the first mailbox with a numeric suffix. For example, if your
username is "jenny" then the username for the second mailbox
would be "jenny1".
- The password for a mailbox will be the password that you were
allocated when your Gifford Internet account was first created.
- We will assign the email address you request to a mailbox. If
this is not available, eg. the address is already in use, we
will ask you to select another address.
To request additional email addresses, send email to
Gifford support
with the following details:-
- Your username
- Email addresses required
- Whether you require separate mailboxes or aliases for a single
***Please note***:: The usernames allocated to subsequent mailboxes
must not be used to connect to Gifford Internet. These usernames should
ONLY be used to collect mail. If you disregard this, you may find that
you are unable to connect to Gifford Internet. You have been warned!!!
For further information and advice, please contact
Gifford support.